Creating Automated Workflows

Workflow definitions are first set up by those with appropriate security access, such as an Administrator. This is covered in Creating Automated Workflow Definitions.

Once created, these Automated Workflow Definitions can be accessed by the user, or processed by the system.

Team Workflows

If you are a team supervisor, any Automated Workflows that have been created for, or by, members of your team are displayed within My Team | Team Workflows. In this area you are also able to create Automated Workflow requests for your team, if you have the appropriate security and permission settings.

The following instructions describe how to create a Training Request workflow. This example uses the same format that is used for all the other Automated Workflow types (for user-initiated requests).

  1. In My Team | Team Workflows select the appropriate Workflow name (these are the Automated Workflow Definitions created previously).
  2. In Employee select the required employee name. Once a name is displayed, the Add Request button is activated.
  3. Click Add Request button to open the blank Workflow screen.
  4. Select the required Training Type and Training Course from the drop-down lists. The description for that course is displayed automatically in the box below.
  5. Complete the Start Date and time, and the Finish Date and time, either by typing these in or by using the drop-down arrows for the calendar.
    For the Start Date and Finish Date, either type in the dates, or use the drop-down arrows to select the dates from the displayed calendar.
    The times can be typed in, or you can use the up/down arrows to select a time (hours only). Ensure that you have specified AM or PM correctly - note that this does not use 24-hour clock format.
  6. You may wish to include an attachment such as a PDF training brochure. In the Attachments section click Browse to locate the relevant attachment. If you need to attach additional documents (etc.) click the Add button below the Browse bar, to display another Browse bar for another attachment.
    Note that if you wish to include a website address for the training, this can be pasted in to the Notes (requester) box, within the Training Request section.
  7. If all the details are correct/complete you may opt to Submit the request. This will send the request to the relevant approvers.
    Alternatively, you may click Save, so that you can edit the details later, prior to submitting the request.

Note that team supervisors are able to add workflow requests for themselves and members of their team. However, you are not able to create a Performance Review Workflow request for yourself - this needs to by created by your team leader.

My Workflows

In Employee Details | My Workflows you are able to add or view Automated Workflows for yourself only. All the options here follow the same format as described previously.

Employee HR Details

As an additional option, five Automated Workflow types are available via the Employee HR Details menu; Training, Skills, Events, Property, and Performance Review. All these options follow the same format as described previously.

The list of Training request workflows will not include those which have been recently submitted - this list shows Approved workflows only. To view submitted workflows, view My Team | Team Workflows or, for your own workflows only, view Employee Details | My Workflows.

Editing Automated Workflow Details

Once an Automated Workflow has been created (whether or not it has been approved) it can be edited via these locations:

My Team | Team Workflows

Employee Details | My Workflows

Or within the associated menu option:

Employee HR Details | Training/Skills/Events/Property

The location you select may depend on the editing you need to apply. For comprehensive editing, you should choose Employee HR Details | Training/Skills/Events/Propertyas this area has many more fields for editing. See Employee HR Details for information on completing the fields within these menu options. Alternatively, editing the workflows via My Workflows and Team Workflows will provide the same fields that were available when the Automated Workflow was created.

Once an Automated Workflow Request has been Approved, it moves from being in a Workflow process, and becomes an entry on the associated table within HR3 kiosk.
For example, once an Automated Workflow Request for a Training course has been Approved, it becomes an entry on the Training table in HR3 kiosk.

Cancelling Automated Workflows

Prior to Submitting

If an employee creates and saves a workflow, it will appear in Employee Details | My Workflows for that employee. The workflow does not appear anywhere else, for the employee or for the approver. This employee is the only person who can cancel the workflow: open the workflow and click Cancel.

If an approver (e.g. the employee's supervisor) creates and saves a workflow, it will appear in My Team| Team Workflows for that employee. The associated employee will not be able to see the workflow when they log in to HR3 kiosk. This approver is the only person who can cancel the workflow: open the workflow and click Cancel.

Prior to Approval

Once the workflow has been submitted, it will appear in Employee Details | My Workflows for that employee, and the approver will see it in My Team| Team Workflows for that employee. The employee and the approver are able to cancel the workflow, via their relevant locations: open the workflow and click Cancel.

Following Approval

Once the workflow has been approved, it will appear in Employee Details | My Workflows | Status: Approved for the employee, and for the approver in My Team| Team Workflows | Status: Approver for that employee. It is no longer possible to cancel the workflow.


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